Vaccinations for Kittens and Cats

Vaccines are an inexpensive and effective way to protect your cat from deadly diseases.

Aside from ensuring your kitten has ample and proper food, water, shelter and attention, getting them vaccinated is another must-do to ensure they remain safe and healthy. Vaccines will protect your furry friend from several harmful diseases and infections. To learn more about our vaccination services for your pet, please call us at 902-865-8110 to speak with one of our client care specialists and to book your next appointment.

When should my kitten be vaccinated?

In their early years, feline friends should get their first set of vaccines at around 8-weeks-old. Afterwards, they should continue receiving vaccines periodically to stay protected. Cats should receive annual vaccinations for Feline Leukemia, Calicivirus, Rhinotracheitis and Panleukopenia. Below is our suggested vaccine schedule for your feline friends:

  • 8 Weeks: Upper Respiratory Vaccine (FVRCP)
  • 12 Weeks: Upper Respiratory Vaccine and Leukemia Vaccine (FVRCP + Leukemia)
  • 16 Weeks: Upper Respiratory Vaccine, Leukemia Vaccine, and Rabies (FVRCP, Leukemia, Rabies)
  • NOTE: Annual vaccines are done 1 year after their 16-week vaccines and include Upper Respiratory, +- Leukemia, and Rabies.

Vaccination Services for Cats

Your feline friend needs to be vaccinated all their life to maintain their immunity against harmful diseases. Thankfully as they grow older, the frequency of vaccinations becomes even less, and we can modify which vaccines are included in their schedule depending on how their lifestyle evolves.

Do indoor cats need to be vaccinated?

Absolutely! A common myth is indoor cats do not need vaccines, especially those who live in high-rise buildings. The truth is, all cats (and pets) need to be vaccinated. Harmful diseases and parasites can still get to your indoor cat through you, other people, other animals and objects that enter your home. Even if your cat never steps their paws outside, they still need protection. As well, some vaccines like the one against rabies are required by law.

Are there any side effects to vaccines for cats?

Yes, although most patients show very little to no adverse reactions after injection if any, these reactions are often minor and temporary. The most common reactions we see are swelling near the injection site, lethargy, appetite loss and vomiting.

What types of vaccinations do adult cats need?

Vaccines fall into two main categories: Core and Non-Core. Core vaccines like Rabies and FVRCP (which protects against the three main viruses that affect cats) must be given to all cats. Non-core vaccines are optional and recommended depending on your pet’s lifestyle. Barn or farm cats for example will have different non-core vaccines than indoor cats.

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